The Last record by lemon (ノД`)・゜・。

I've been so lazy and less enthusiastic to make a record on Hatena Blog for a long time. I believe I haven't done it for several months, which is a little bit shame. I know it's good to do Blog daily because it would definitely improve my writing skill a lot and facilitate me directly coming up with English ideas. Most Japanese, first, they think of what they want to say in Japanese, and convert / translate it in English, which takes some time and not a very smart way to speak/write English. 

record of lemon 24 (/・ω・)/

The credit-card company is liable for any breach of contact.

Patients were liable to faint if they stood up too suddenly.

Knowledge is transmitted from teacher to pupil.

Pain in the abdome ncan be cuased by any number of things.

The contents of the intestine.

Soem chemicals cause a direct irritation to the skin leading to dermatitis.

The crowd spontaneously burst into song.

I had an almost irresistible impu;se to giggle.

He found the delicious-looking cakes irresistible.

Tory rebels.

Vertebrates are animals that have backbones.

Reptiles are listed in the Reptile Database.

I hate amphibian animals.

The country comprises twenty states.

The child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy.

Digestive disorders.

The world's currency markets were in disorder.

The internal organs.

The organizers are facing prosecution for noise nuisance.

An academic institution.

The institution of marriage.

From the high street, proceed over magdalen bridge.

She is an intense woman.

The pain was growing in intensity.

She had a previous conviction for a similar offence.

We wanted to marry but circumstances didn't permit.

It is hard fro logic to prevail over emotion.

It wasn't easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing.

Portsmouth prides itself on being a cosmopolitan city.

Hilary bundled up the clothes she descarded.

A thick bundle of envelopes.

It is desirable to check that nothing has been forgotten.

I don't know what to make of the decision.

She was frantic with worry.

Distraught paretns looking for a runaway teenager.

The treasures were revealed to the media.

I received four phone calls in quick succession.

He was banned from vyvling.

He travelled to a probation meeting by bike.

He assaulted multiple women.

He breached the order twice.


record by lemon 23 (/・ω・)/

I've been away from writing blogs and learning new vocablary for a long time. Now I'm trying to do both of them at the same time.


America declared itself free from England over 200 years ago.

My friend lives in Katsushika disrict.

His work in the field of lung cancer research was significant.

The new ride at Disneyland overwhelemd the visitors.

He is a threat to our country.

Several families were evacuated fro mtheir homes.

He urged her to come and stay with us.

He felt the urge to giggle.

The courtroom was packed when closing arguments began.

The eruption of Vsuvius.

She put her friends ahead of me.

My presence in the flat made her happy.

He needed a woman he could cherish.

He conducted us through his personal gallery of the Civil War.

They were granted a meeting.

Companies should protect their intellectual property with patents and trademarks.

Gooch was responsible for 198of his side's 542 runs.

It was very critical of the previous regime.

It is in this practical sense that this stuyd finds uderlying importance.

A solemn procession.

The children were emphatic that they would like to repeat the expereience.

Some people characterize winter as bleak and cheerless.

Adultery is sufficient grounds for divorce.

That's not my intention at all.

Don't inflict your unwanted opitons on other people.

Don't get too close or too hostile to Goverment officials.

P&G applied for a patent on its cookies.

The moon light made things seem intangible.

He had absolute authority over his suboridinates.

The Minister may have expected the powers conferred on him by Parliament.

The officials were conferring with allies.

The public were excluded for mthe board meeting.

I have an obligation to look after her.

Doctors are obliged by law to keep patients alive while there is a cahnce of recovery.

The author tried not to read the adverse criticism.

Set your sails when favorable winds blow.

Bob strongly disapproved of drinking and driving.

Ideological opponents of the regime.

The role of the police is to enforce the law.

Children were taught to show their parents obedience.

Education is a right, not a previlege.

He beat his opponent by a landslide margin.

Illness compelled him to stay in bed.

Strict observance of the rules.

Use of this service is subject to complicance with the terms of use.

We are unable to comply with your request.

Making an unauthorized copy would infringe copyright.

He could only gaze at her in astonishment.

There are over 50 orpahns who live in this orhanage.

He was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid.

She attempted a comback in 2001.

Heavy cram fabric.

I need to get some outfits for my business trip.

He sent me an affectionate letter.

He cuddles the baby close.

The child nodded, apparently content with the promise.

Seh phoned me out of the blue.

The business has been growing steadily.

He gazed at  her intently.

I have the greatest admiration for all those involved in the project.

He has one admirable quality - he is totally honest.

Something about hte mana aroused the guard's suspicions.

It's really more honor than I deserve.

She deserved it.

What have I done to deserve this?

Maybe he was tired with me on board.

We walked across the overpass to wait for the next train.

The train pulled in.

We had scuttled aboard.

The fun of the adventure was starting to wear off.

I slumped onto a wooden bench on the platform.

He was going to scavenge some food.

The station was deserted.

Bleary eyed, I looked around for Guddu.

My thoughts were muddled.

He was muddling about in the kitchen.

It was broad daylight.

The full sun was glaring astraight in to my eyes.

She glared  at him, her cheeks flushing.

I realized with a jolt.

The train was moving rattling steadily along its track.

I can still feel the icy chill of panic that hit me.

Dripping with condensation.

He glanced back at his sister.

Every o often she jumped and winced.

He hunched his shouleers.

My attention next goes to my back as I shiver in the cold air.

They'll come out ahead i nteh compretition.

It's wriggling furiously to get free.

I'll starangle you.

She muttered.

She crushed it viciously.

He r blue benumbed fingers.

Let the liquid start to evaporate.

Whe the door burst open, she le t out an involuntary shriek.

We could see the teacher's disteress when we didn't study.

I cahnged my flight so as to see her.

He is known as a cruel dictator.

The city was deprived of its water supplies.

Although I was in pain, I was concious.

For some reasons he's being a dictator.

Immunity to typhoid seems to have increased spontaneously.

The rebels were givem immunity fro mprosecution.

An earnest student.

The man was eager to please.

She regarded London as her base.

They were determined to carry on regardless.

Ancient fertility rituals.

A vibrant cosmopolitan city.

He took her and me to a fancy eatery about once a month.

An independent nuclear deterrent.

Cameras are a major deterrent to crime.

The company intends to cut 400 jobs.

 We made some discreet inquiries.

The police were making inquiries in all the neighboring pubs.

No prudent money manager would authorize a loan without frist knowing its purpose.

The swimming pool is ideal for a quick dip.

Coo\king facilities.

The waste is disposed of in the North Sea.

She savored he rfew hours of freedom and solitude.

The prince is believed to have died of typhoid fever.

Outbreaks of infectous diseases.




No way that was too much to do review at once. That's all for today. I believe I successfully remembered what I've learned. Good!




record by lemon 22 (/・ω・)/

In my opinion, making specific example sentences is the most important work in order to learn words. We'll be able to imagine the situation easily by doing so. 


Further information is shown below.



Once you breach the rule, you will never be allowed to use the facilities.



A guy rescued woman being assaulted.



I started to work at a cafe, but I'm still on a probation.


Ban from ~

I was parmanently banned from driving a car.


In succession

People fell down in succession.



A TV reporter revealed the truth about what happened there in the past.



She was distraught from the loss of her son.



He was frantic with worry.


What to make of it

I have no idea what to make of this piece of note which doesn't make sense at all.

record by lemon 21 (/・ω・)/

Hey listen to this.

I'm having a fun but busy life these days. The day before yesterday, I went hiking to a hill. The Chinese friend of mine suggested me to go for a hiking to a beach, so I gladly accepted his suggestion. However, it was 5 times harder than I was expecting. The hill was very steep that I could hardly climb up (y'know, I'm a very weak man(;^_^A  ). He likes to train himself everyday, it was nothing for him. In addition, that was his 5th visit. So, he climbed up easily and left me alone in the middle of the hill. Bruh what a cruel

He texted me he would be waiting for me at the summit of the hill, so I climbed and climbed, little by little. It was such a terrible experience. LOL

At the summit, there was a small cafe there. We ordered two cups of lemon tea for 7 dollors. Wow, seems very expensive for hot water and a little bit of tea leaves. He paid by his card, so I attemped to pay 1/2 of paiment. However, he said he would pay for mine. How nice of him. Thanks man.

We saw tens of sheep on the hill, which was impressing. I enjoyed taking pictures with them while tried not to scare them.


Yesterday, we went to a harbor to enjoy crusing!! It was my first experience to join a crusing tour, but I really enjoyed it. The major purpose of the crusing was dolphin watching, and I saw many of them in the sea! According to the young man who was working as a conducter, those dolphins were a rare species and it was known as world smallest one. Also, I saw some seals. There was a baby seal on a rock, which was so cute. I was taking lots of pictures intently.


record by lemon 20 (/・ω・)/

"Make sure not to make any gaps as possible as you can. Rocks will move around inside the box and will may be broken".

this is what I was going to say, but instead of these complete sentences, I said "no gap, otherwise they will may be broken". Well, it was not very bad either, but I'm not satsfied. I need more practice to output exactly what I imagine in my mind.

I often be speechless because I'm not sure what to say or how to react at events. I need to learn more reaction or way of expressing my own opinion immediately in a conversasation.

We're decorating our house with whole bunch of christmas decorations from the states from where my host mother is. We have a few gusests, and are working together. 


record by lemon 19 (/・ω・)/

Hi. Today, I'll introduce you about one of my hobbies. I'm into making origami, especially quite difficult or extremely small ones. If you have time, PLEASE visit my instagram account.


I created this account few days ago, so is brand new. As you can see, I haven't gotten any followers yet. PLEASE follow me!! I'll keep posting my new work. 

I made an origmai peacock yesterday, which is the left one above. I use a PET bottle cap to give you a reference.

a paper crane made of 6mm paper

This is one of my posts with a picture of a extremely tiny paper crane. Isn't it insane and admirable? I'm really proud of myself. At this point, I'm making origami things but they're designed by someone else. I'm very interested in developing instructions bymyself. There're some basic form, method or skill to fold. I'll keep learning and practicing.